The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a district level Farm Science Centre, which is an agricultural technology application centre, established under the Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The Kendra is established at Pampoli (Seppa) in the East Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, in the last part of the year 2008 (November) and start functioning from December 2008. East Kameng district is the operational area of this Krishi Vigyan Kendra. The aim of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to reduce the time lag between the Generation of Technology at the research Institutions and its transfer to the farmers field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sector on a sustain basis with a broad objective to uplift the overall economy of the district and state as a whole. In order to achieve this goal, four mandates have been envisaged in the design of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra. |
Principle Objectives of KVK : Identification of training needs of the farming community. • Compilation of relevant package of practices for incorporation during trainings. • Plan and conduct production oriented, need based trainings for various target groups. • Develop and maintain farms and demonstrations units on scientific basis. • Impart general education to rural illiterates and school drop outs. • Providing training facilities consistent with requirements of integrated rural development in collaboration with concerned organization. The mandates of KVK : 1. Conducting “On-farm testing” for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems. 2. Organise training to update the extension personal with emerging advances in agriculture research as regular basis. 3. Organise short and long-term vocational training course in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youths with emphasis on “learning by doing” for higher production on farms and generating self employment. 4. Organise frontline demonstrations on various crops to generate production data and feedback information. |
Copyright@2010,KVK East Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, All rights reserved Key Contact : Dr. Sanjoy Borthakur, Programme coordinator, 94366837488(M), 03787-200007(o) Designed by: Miss Habung Monpa, Programme Assistant (Computer) Hosted by: NIC(National Informatics Centre), Itanagar Website Content is owned and maintained by KVK East Kameng |